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Green Industry Certification Insitute

LSIH BSPJI Palembang is a Green Industry Certification Institution appointed by the Minister of Industry, with the Appointment Number: Number 3398 of 2023.  (download SK) (download Leaflet)

The Green Industry Certification Institute of the Palembang Industrial Standardization and Service Center (LSIH BSPJI) is a Conformity Assessment Institute that has the competence to issue Green Industry Certificates and has been conducting the certification process since 2017. LSIH BSPJI Palembang has provided Green Industry Certificate services to domestic companies that have implemented a Quality Management System, have met the Technical Requirements and Management Requirements.

Audit Sertitikasi Industri Hijau

Dokumentasi PPID BSPJI Palembang

The Green Industry Certification Institute is an institution that plays a role in supporting government and company policies in the efficient use of natural resources. Along with the development of commodities that implement green industry, currently the scope of accreditation of LSIH BSPJI Palembang has been increased in accordance with the competence of LSIH BSPJI personnel and the scope of certification based on the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2021, dated September 10, 2021. The Green Industry Certification Institute (LSIH BSPJI Palembang) is the only center under the Ministry of Industry that has been accredited by KAN for the Sumatra region.


Benefits of Green Industry:

  1. Increase Profitability (resource efficiency)

  2. Improve company image

  3. Improving Company Performance

  4. Improving Industrial Competitiveness

  5. Flexibility in regulation

  6. Opening up new market opportunities

  7. Maintaining the sustainability of environmental functions

  1. Green Industry Standard for Portland Cement Industry (SIH 23941.1:2018)

Documentation of PPID BSPJI Palembang

Scope :​

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 24 No. 14 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to PERMENPERIN No. 41/M-IND/PER/12/2017 concerning LSIH, dated September 10, 2021, LSIH BSPJI Palembang was appointed by the Minister of Industry with the scope of certification:

  1. Green Industry Standard for the Crumb Rubber Industry (SIH 22123.1:2021)

  2. Green Industry Standard for the Rubber Smoking Industry (Ribbed Smoke Sheet Rubber) (SIH 22121.1:2021)

  3. Green Industry Standard for Palm Oil Cooking Oil Industry (SIH 10437:2017)

  4. Green Industry Standard for Solid Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) Fertilizer Industry (SIH 20123.1:2020)

Based on the Letter from the Head of the Green Industry Center No. B/1727/BSKJI.5/XII/2022, concerning Notification of the Progress of the LSIH Appointment Process on December 15, 2022, the scope of certification has increased:

  1. Green Industry Standard for Mineral Water Industry (SIH 11050.1:2020)

  2. Green Industry Standard for the Biscuit and other dry bakery products industry (SIH 10710.2:2020)

  3. Green Industry Standard for Portland Cement Industry (SIH 23941.1:2018)


LSIH BSPJI operates using PNBP funds. The rates we apply for certification are in accordance with PP No. 54 of 2021 concerning Types and Rates for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue Applicable to the Ministry of Industry.

Application Requirements:


Document Completeness Checklist


Certification Application Letter

Other information:

Green Industry Certification Terms and Conditions

Handling of Complaints and Appeals

Scope of Green Industry Certification

KAN Certificate Attachment

Logo Usage Guidelines

LSIH Customer Directory List

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

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