BSPJI Palembang
Testing Laboratory
BSPJI Palembang Testing Laboratory (LP-080-IDN) as one of the facilities that provides testing services. (download Leaflet)
BSPJI Palembang Testing Laboratory (LP-080-IDN) as one of the facilities that provides testing services, both for industrial and general interests related to the materials and product industry that has received an accreditation certificate from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).
BSPJI Palembang has several laboratories, including:
Various Commodity Laboratory
Pollution Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory
Sir Laboratory
Condition ;
Create a test request letter or fill out a sample test request letter via SIPIPIT
Pay the testing fee according to e-billing
The number of test samples is sufficient for the test parameters.
Completion Timeframe
No | Komiditi | Lama Pengerjaan (Hari Kerja) |
1 | Limba Cair | 15 |
2 | Air Sumur | 15 |
3 | Air Sungai | 15 |
4 | Air Bersih | 15 |
5 | Ambient | 15 |
6 | Emisi | 12 |
7 | Pupuk Urea | 18 |
8 | Pupuk KCL | 18 |
9 | Pupuk SP-36 | 18 |
10 | Pupul Triple Super Phospate (TSP) | 18 |
11 | Pupuk Amonium Sulfat | 18 |
12 | Pakan Ikan | 15 |
13 | Tanah | 18 |
14 | Abu Cangkang | 15 |
15 | SIR | 18 |
16 | RSS | 13 |
17 | Air Minum Dalam Kemasan | 15 |
18 | Tepung Terigu dan Aneka Tepung | 17 |
19 | Garam | 15 |
20 | Kopi | 17 |
21 | Biji Kopi | 15 |
22 | Minyak Goreng Sawit | 15 |
23 | Biskuit | 15 |
24 | Pempek dan Kerupuk Ikan | 18 |
25 | Mikrobiologi | 15 |
26 | Pengujian untuk Parameter Tertentu | 15 |
27 | Pengujian untuk Parameter Tertentu | 15 |