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Halal Inspection Institution

The establishment of the Halal Inspection Institution (LPH) of the Palembang Industrial Standardization and Service Center is in accordance with the Decree on the Establishment of LPH from the Head of BSKJI No. 57 of 2023, while the appointment of personnel is in accordance with Decree No. 149 of 2023. (download brochure)

Halal certification is one of the requirements for entrepreneurs to market and distribute their products as regulated in Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH). Parties involved in this halal assurance effort include the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), the Halal Inspection Institution (LPH), and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

LPH BSPJI Palembang is present in the midst of the industrial community, especially in the South Sumatra region and its surroundings as a form of contribution in providing easy access to industry in the halal certification process. LPH BSPJI Palembang is tasked with conducting inspections and/or testing the halalness of products submitted for halal certification with the support of the halal auditors it has.

Halal Accreditation Certificate

PURPOSE of Halal Certification

Providing comfort, security, safety and certainty of the availability of Halal Products for the public in consuming and using Products, as well as increasing added value for Business Actors to produce and sell Halal Products.


The current scope of LPH BSPJI Palembang is to serve inspections and testing as part of the halal certification process for food and beverage products.


  • Providing peace of mind to consumers

  • The resulting product will have a Unique Selling Point - Can expand global market reach

Halal Accreditation Certificate BSPJI Palembang1
Halal Accreditation Certificate BSPJI Palembang2

Submitting a halal certificate application via:


Halal certification rates apply and refer to the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 57 of 2021 concerning BLU BPJPH Service Rates at the Ministry of Religion.

Application Requirements:


Document Completeness Checklist


Certification Application Letter

Other information:

Handling of Complaints and Appeals

Scope of Halal Certification

Halal Accreditation Certificate Attachment

Halal Certification Process Flowchart

Certification Scheme

Customer Directory Listing

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

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