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Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification and Validation Services

Greenhouse Gases (GHG) are a group of gases in the Earth's atmosphere that are able to absorb and emit thermal radiation. These gases create the greenhouse effect, which is the ability to trap solar heat in the atmosphere and prevent most of it from escaping into space. (download flyer)

Getting to Know the Greenhouse Gas Verification/Validation Agency

The Validation and Verification Institute of the Palembang Industrial Standardization and Service Center (LVV BSPJI Palembang) is a conformity assessment institution that carries out validation/verification activities based on ISO 17029 and ISO 14065 standards.

Currently, the LVV Palembang Industrial Standardization and Service Center (LVV BSPJI Palembang) is in the process of KAN accreditation for the GRK Scheme.

Benefits and Uses of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification and Validation

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Validation or Verification is an activity to check and confirm the truth or validity of information and data related to inventory, emission reduction, or increased absorption from activities carried out.

GHG verification is conducted to verify data claim statements and historical information to determine whether GHG statements are materially correct and in accordance with the criteria.

Meanwhile, GHG Validation is carried out to validate the reasonableness of assumptions, limitations, and methods of the company's work plan which aims to reduce emissions in the future.

The benefits of Greenhouse Gas Verification and Validation are as follows:

  1. Information Data Credibility: Validation and Verification increases the credibility of data and information related to GHG emissions.

  2. Increased Transparency: This process also increases transparency in reporting emissions and emission reduction efforts.

  3. Increased Trust for Stakeholders: By conducting validation and verification, the trust of stakeholders such as investors, consumers, and the general public in GHG emission reduction measures can be increased.

  4. Compliance with International Standards: This process ensures that the steps taken are in accordance with established international standards.

  5. Acceptance on a global scale: By gaining validation and verification, GHG emission reduction measures will be more easily accepted on a global level.

Validation and Verification Service Registration Procedure

The following are the steps to register for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) validation and verification services at the LVV Palembang Industrial Standardization and Service Center (LVV BSPJI Palembang):

  1. Customer Registration

  2. Registration Confirmation

  3. Upload Application Documents

  4. Pre-Engagement Review

  5. Employment Contract Offer

  6. Payment Verification / Validation Services

  7. Implementation of Verification/Validation Institution activities in accordance with applicable SOPs

  8. Document Review

  9. Issuance of Statement and handover of Verification/Validation results to customers

Ruang Lingkup Sektor
Lingkup Spesifik
Level Kegiatan
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01)
General Manufacturing (physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new product) (01.01.02)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01)
Waste Handling and Disposal (01.01.11)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Organisasi (01.01)
General (01.01.13)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Projrct (01.02)
Manucafturing Industruest (01.02.7)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Project (01.02)
Waste Handling and Disposal (01.02.14)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Project (01.02)
Manucafturing Industruest (02.02.7)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Project (01.02)
Waste Handling and Disposal (02.02.14)
Informasi Lingkungan
Gas Rumah Kaca
Verifikasi Project (01.02)
Power Generation and Electric Powere Transaction (01.01.01)


LVV GRK BSPJI Palembang operates using PNBP funds. The rates we apply for certification are in accordance with PP No. 54 of 2021 concerning Types and Rates for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue Applicable to the Ministry of Industry.

Application Requirements:


Document Completeness Checklist


Certification Application Letter


Certification Application Letter


Application Form

Informasi lain :

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

PSM (PSM 8 16 Issuance Maintenance Revocation Failed Recovery)

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